Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fear of intimacy discoveries

Hello ladies I’ve felt the need tonight to listen/hear. What I mean is while watching tv, and moving around the web a few things have JUMPED out at me.

For ex. a couple of quotes that jumped at me:

You shall never succeed if you’re too afraid to fail.

Being certain doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re right, and even if you are, what good does it do when it isolates you from others?

Then the phrase “fear of intimacy” came into my head. I’ve read Rori talking about the “fear of intimacy” before but tonight I felt like maybe I didn’t really understand what that phrase meant. So I googled the phrase.

Below is a short passage from the first link. These are just 3 of the articles I’ve read but they’re real eye openers and boy do I have a “fear of intimacy”

fear of intimacy:

The simplest and most understandable way I have ever heard intimacy described is by breaking the word down: “in to me see”. That is what intimacy is about - allowing another person to see into us, sharing who we are with another person.