Sunday, August 16, 2009

One of my favorite things

I like to take pictures of all kinds of things. I wish I had a REALLY good camera lol. I came up with a idea yesterday for some blog post. So since my blog is called loving life as me, I thought I'd take my love of photography and post pictures of some of my favorite things. Hey, Oprah does it why can't we? :)

If you haven't guessed by now I love Dr. Pepper. Especially, when it's good and cold on a hot day like today. It might sound like boring, mundane subject. But I see it as sharing one of my simple pleasures.

What are some of your favorite things? How often do you indulge in them? I need my soda everyday guess I'm addicted to it lol

My favorite person is my granddaughter but I can only post her photo on my facebook or myspace page.


  1. My favorite things are beaches (which I don't get to NEAR enough), swimming pools (in one EVERY DAY in the summer) and hot tubs (in one EVERY DAY after it cools down and until I'm ready for the pool again). I just LOVE water whether it's warming me up or cooling me off. Oh yeah...bubble baths too...I like those. Unfortunately, I'm leaving my giant garden tub in my apartment to move in with J who has a tiny tub. But...maybe I'll put bubbles in his hot tub! Think he would mind if I create monster bubbles all over his back yard? Hmmm...maybe I should ask

  2. J might like to get in that hot tub bubble bath with you. Wish I had a hot tub.
